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Pedagogical school at 1970-1980s

Kashin Anatoli Vasiliyevich

After the retirement of A.A.Kumanev, the director of the school was appointed A.V.Kashin. But before the retirement Alexander Alexandrovich had been finding the person who would take his place. He stooped hid choice at the person of A.V.Kashin who worked at Lopatino secondary school and in the district he was known as one of the best teachers of Mathematics and Physics. Alexander Alexandrovich's attention was attracted by the wide range of his interests, deep knowledge in different spheres, self-minding and the ability to agree with people. In 1965 he invited Anatoly Vasilyevich to work at school as the acting director of studies and let the staff know beforehand that it was the next director. For 5 years he had been imparting his experience to the successor. Alexander Alexandrovich was a very wise preceptor. He didn't teach but just provided Anatoly Vasilyevich the opportunity to watch his work. He didn't limit his initiatives and allowed to find contact with the staff, to gain a foothold there.

The staff accepted Anatoly Vasilyevich at once. The students were submitted by his lessons. He could fascinate them with Physics; this serious subject was taught very easily. The students were bribe by the simple style of communication of the young acting director of studies. Teachers liked his efficiency, ability to organize studies and out-of-class activities clearly, love to the order in everything. Sapozhnikova Iraida Nikholayevna

Become the director A.V.Kashin tried not only to safe but to develop and improve the work experience accumulated at school before. He could summarize and theoretically prove it. The principal attention was paid to the decision of the most important problem of the modern pedagogical science - forming a professionally oriented personality of the teacher through the system of secondary pedagogical education. This problem became the theme of his candidate dissertation which he successfully defended in 1977, using the experience of the school in this direction. His scientific adviser was V.A.Slastenin, who is an academician now. The Monument at the A.A. Kumanev's grave

In practical work of the pedagogical school this problem realized in three directions: ideological and political, professional and cognitive. Pedagogical orientation was mainly realized by the commission of the teachers of psychological and pedagogical sciences and the study of pedagogical science. After the retirement of I.I.Tsvetkov, the head of the pedagogical study became his student, A.M.Savleva. She kept the succession in the work and brought in something new. The forms of work became more different. Along with A.V.Myasnikova and A.I.Vasilyev they did a lot to widen students knowledge in Pedagogical science and Psychology. There were organized the Weeks of Pedagogical science; during them the students in greater details acquainted with the pedagogical views of outstanding Russian and Soviet pedagogues. There were organized the meetings with the honoured teachers, the conferences on the actual problems in pedagogical science took place; the students wrote the compositions on the pedagogical themes. It was organized a pedagogical course of general education for parents. "Pedagogical newspaper" was regularly published.

The pedagogical study made a lot in order to equip lessons of Pedagogical science and Psychology with visual aids, and to collect fact of the school's history. New forms of the interaction with the graduators appear. One time in 5 years there was organized the meeting of the school's graduators. The first meeting held in 1974 and was in honour of the 45th anniversary of the pedagogical school. It was the first and the last meting in the life of A.A.Kumanev. He was the chairman of the commission for the preparation to the meeting. The meeting went on with great success. Almost 200 graduators of different years took part in it. In 1975 pedagogical staff attended the funeral of A.A.Kumanev. He suddenly died on March, 19, 1975. In commemoration of this remarkable pedagogue in 1976 on the building of school was solemnly placed the memorial board, and one of the streets in Lukoyanov was named after him. Mironov Ivan Fedorovich

In 1982 at school worked the commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which controlled the teaching of the pedagogical and psychological sciences. In the certificate the experience of the school was approved and recommended to dissemination into other pedagogical schools of Russia.v

One of the rules of the school those times was the rule: "Each lesson need excellent preparation". The teachers' lessons exactly became the examples for the future teachers. School's graduators remember with gratitude about the lessons of P.N.Solovyeva, Z.I.Korobova, I.F.Mironov, V.L.Parshin, V.A.Kazakova, O.A.Starova, G.I.Tsvetkova, G.G.Kozlova, Y.P.Ukludova, L.I.Belyashkina, T.S.Kireyev, T.I.Taranova, A.V.Kashin, I.N.Sapozhnikova, V.K.Ukludov, A.I.Taranov, K.P.Dobrotvorsky and many others. Ulyanov Nikholai Ivanovich

To make interest to the pedagogical profession have increased, the new special course of "Introduction to the pedagogical profession" began to teach at school; the Progaramme to it was worked up by A.V.Kashin. This Programme foresaw the coming of the students of the 1st course up to the job of the masters of the pedagogical profession, working at Lukoyanov basic school.

The weeks of the newcomers took place at school annually. The task of the bringing-up of the comprehensively developed personality was still in the centre of the attention of the pedagogical staff. On order to decide this task there were widely used active and creative opportunities of the students' staff. There was created well-coordinated system of the students' self-government. Monitors, Komsomol leaders, students' leaders, sports leaders and cultural work leaders actively worked in every group. Generally, they counted more than 100 students, forming active group controlled by the administration, Leninist Young Communist League of the Soviet Union Committee, professional students' committee, and administration of the "Yunost'" sports club. The most active was the Leninist Young Communist League of the Soviet Union Committee. The secretary of the Committee in the beginning of 1970s was the school's graduator A.S.Valova. Kozlova Galina Grigoryevna

Later she was changed by I.Zarubina, V.Levashova, T.Konukhova, A.Shumilov. In the center of the work of the Committee was the students' studies, and it was proved by the topics of the Komsomol members' meetings: "if we all study according to our abilities?", "The study is not only the personal affair", "What we read", "No backward students near us!". At every faculty there was acted the commission on the bringing-up and study, which helped to the backward students. The progress in studies those years was high, more than 70% of the students received "4" and "%". In 1970 there were firstly received the Lenin grants. The first Lenin grant bursars became students of group 331 of the Pioneer instructors' faculty: T.Simankina and T.Romantsova who for all 4 years had been studying for "5" only and were the activists of public work. Komsomol members took active part in the movement "Young Communists League - to school", went hiking around the places of the labor and battle fame, and took part in All-Russia competition of creative works on the social and political problems. In 1977 the collective work of the students of group 433 L.Pershina, O.Pereskokova and I.Dyadyakina on the topic "The role of the village Komsomol cells in collectivization of the agriculture" was signed by the medal of the All-Russia competition of students' creative works. It is difficult to name everything what had been done by the Komsomol organization of the school those years; maybe it is not necessary. More important thing about that work was the up-bringing the empathy to the affairs of our country and citizenship of the future teachers. Dobrotvorskaya Irina Pavlovna

The school's staff pressed towards the providing of all necessary conditions for development of students' active cognitive work, and that was the foundation in the process of forming professional orientation of the teachers' personality. A school needs a teacher who knows a lot and constantly strives to update and widen this knowledge; and who clearly understands that the teacher may be only the person, which constantly learns himself. In 1970-1980s there was founded the faculty of social professions (FSP) with 10 branches inside the school. While learning on FSP students could receive the knowledge on the interested questions, and they could practice the skills of work with children. There were actively worked the librarian branch (the leader of it was I.P.Dobrotvorskaya), journalistic branch headed by R.N.Yuzhalina, choreographic branch headed by M.I.Nikolayev, lecturer branch headed by L.I.Belyashkina, drama branch led by G.I.Tsvetkova, study of local lore branch headed by G.I.Kashina, and others. Nikholayev M.I.

The faculty of the study of local lore, history and economy prepared the future teachers to organizing if the local lore studies at their school. During some practical lessons the students improved their skills in searching work, work with collected items, organizing excursions and hiking around native places, met with archeologists' work, and took part in archeological expeditions. Every student could study at some branches of FSP.

In order to develop the cognitive interest among the students every week since 1960s there were organized popular science "Thursdays". In discussions the teachers told with enthusiasm about actual problems of the development of science, art, literature, History, and Pedagogical science. These problems attracted great interest, and the discussion was always collected great amount of listeners. The result of these "Thursdays" was the increase of the interest to the popular science literature. The books from the series "Evrika", "Famous people's life" and "Pioneer" were in popular.

In order to widen the range of interests among the students there were organized many excursions, which were held during the winter vacations around the historical places of Moscow, Leningrad, hero-cities. The last school year for the students of the 4th course usually began with the visiting Gorky city and meeting its culture, economy, visiting its theatres and museums. These excursions opened absolutely new world for our "village" students, and dinted in every their soul.

The musicians of the Gorky philharmonic, which, according to the contract, held concerts at Lukoyanov pedagogical school every month, were met by our students with great interest. The students were conquered by the Art lections of A.M.Skul'sky; with poems recited by Masters of recitation A.Poznansky and V.Serebryakov; with romances and arias performed by A.Sakulin, by violinist Alperovich and tenor Yegorov.

Good preparation to the out-of-school activities students got in different choirs and sections. The orchestra of bayan-players led by V.N.Mylnikov was very popular in 1970s. Mylnikov Viktor Nikholayevich

In 1974 at school was organized the folk-song choir "Ryabinushka" led by A.V.Polyanskaya, which became popular not only at school but in all district. Its reporting concerts at school, performances at local House of Culture and in village clubs were always the holidays for the listeners. The participant of the first staff of the folk-song choir "Ryabinushka" O.Radysheva after graduating of the school entered Gorky conservatory, and became a professional singer, a soloist of the Choir of Auto plant's palace of culture, and the teacher of Musical school. «Ryabinushka» and «Yunost'» ensembles A great popularity in 1970-80s had a theatrical circle led by G.G. Kozlova, who could unite those who enjoy theatrical performances into one collective which was able to perform very serious plays. Some members of this collective became professional actors (Belyayev V.) and workers of the cultural sphere (Zaitsev Y.). The orchestra of folk instruments led by Martyanova B.V.

Dancing studio led by M.I.Nikolayev had grown into the choreographic studio with 100 dancers. Some soloists of the studio helped M.I.Nikolayev to organize the work with the collective. For the performing of the ball dances the pair of N.Blokhina and N.Isakov was awarded the Diploma of the 2nd stage at the regional show of the amateur art activities, and the dance "Russian round dance" the collective received the Diploma of the 1st stage. The Diplomas of the 1st stage were given to the collective by the regional Palace of the folk creation and Regional agency of cultural management.

Literal and historical evenings, meeting with writers and poets such as A.Tsvetnov, Y.Andriyanov, meetings of the Club of International Friendship organized by the teacher of German V.I.Martyanova for 20 years did a lot in order to widen the range of interests and knowledge among the students. Valov Nikholai Fedorovich

Great attention was paid to the military and patriotic preparation. In the end of 1960s came a new organizer of the military and patriotic upbringing N.F.Valov - the school's graduator, a person who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Annually on February 23 were organized the ski races in order to meet the participants of the War, and with members of those who were killed on the fields of the battles. Those who took part in the races helped to decorate and tidy monuments and obelisks, took wreaths to them. They had been practically at all villages of our district. At the place of their destination they united with the agitation brigade from the teachers' training school. And they organized concerts for the village inhabitants. The inhabitants were very grateful to these warm and remarkable meetings. N.F.Valov did a lot of work to prepare fellows for the army. In an organized and interesting manner military meetings were held those times. Ukludov Valentin Konstantinovich

Формирование активной жизненной позиции учащихся всегда находилось в центре внимания педколлектива. Для того, чтобы определить эту позицию учащиеся получали возможность всё время быть в курсе всего, что происходило в стране и в мире вообще. Хорошо была налажена политическая информированность. Комитет ВЛКСМ организовал школу политинформаторов, пропагандистов, лекторскую группу. В политическое просвещение внедрялись активные формы работы. Два раза в семестр проводились политбеседы по самым злободневным проблемам современности, на международные темы. Работа эта проводилась под руководством преподавателей общественных дисциплин: с политинформаторами - Киреев Т.С. с лекторами - Беляшкина Л.И.

В 1979 г. отмечалось 50-летие педучилища - состоялся II слёт выпускников. С докладом "50 лет на службе народного образования" выступал директор училища Кашин А.В. В адрес юбиляра поступили приветствия от Министерства просвещения РФ, от редакции "Комсомольской правды", от ОблОНО, Обкома КПСС, от районных организаций и сотни приветствий от выпускников училища. На торжествах присутствовали: секретарь Обкома КПСС Борисова И.З., ректор Арзамасского пединститута Воробьёв Е.В., директор Городецкого педучилища Вихарев П.В., зав. ОблОНО Л.В. Гришанов и др. Kireyev T.S. and O.P.

В связи с юбилеем заведующая учебной частью училища Сапожникова И.Н. была награждена значком "Отличник образования СССР", а Денисова С.И. и Кувалдина А.М. значками "Отличник народного просвещения".

Постоянной заботой директора и хозяйственной части педучилища, во главе с бессменным завхозом С.Ф. Захаровым, было укрепление материально - технической базы. Наше учебное заведение ни одного хорошего учебного здания в готовом для занятий виде никогда не получало. Все приходилось строить самим. Bulygina Julia Borisovna

В конце 60-х годов, встала проблема организации педагогической практики. Здание базовой школы было старым и не удовлетворяло никаким самым элементарным требованиям. Дирекция педучилища инициативу строительства взяла на себя. Здание базовой школы возводилось как пристрой к одному из зданий педучилища. В 1970 г. двухэтажное здание базовой школы с 12 классами, физзалом и столовой было сдано в эксплуатацию. Это существенно улучшило условия для проведения педагогической практики. В 1976 г. было принято в эксплуатацию общежитие на 515 мест. В 1977 г. к основному зданию был пристроен физзал. В 1983 г. вступил в строй трехэтажный пристрой к основному зданию с актовым залом. Было реконструировано здание № 2 под физзалы, построены гараж, котельная на газовом топливе, реконструировано под квартиры учителей бывшее здание базовой школы. В 1988 году был построен 8 - ми квартирный дом для учителей. Начато строительство пристроя для столовой и классов для занятий музыкой, к сожалению, до сих пор не завершенное. Строительство всегда начиналось хозяйственным способом за счёт средств, отпускаемых на капитальный ремонт. Большую часть всех подсобных работ выполняли сами студенты. С большим трудом удавалось получать средства только на завершение работ и оборудование новых помещений.

Жизнь коллектива педучилища, была тесно связана с жизнью города и района. Бывшие секретари райкома КПСС Беляков В.С. и Валов А.Н., выступая на юбилеях училища, отмечали, что район всегда рассчитывал на коллектив училища, который был верным помощником району в решении многих дел. Ежегодно руками студентов убирались сотни гектаров пропашных культур в колхозах района.

The group of local archeologists at the exploring of «Fedorovskoye Gorodishe» in 1975

Руками студентов в 1965 г. был посажен парк на площади 2 га на берегу Казённого пруда. Училище создало и подарило городу богатый краеведческий музей. Силами спортсменов училища ежегодно организовывались спортивные праздники на городском стадионе "Локомотив". Украшением праздника Победы ежегодно были красочные выступления физкультурников училища, которые организовывались преподавателями училища под руководством неутомимого руководителя физвоспитания Булыгиной Ю.Б. Судейство на всех спортивных соревнованиях района осуществляли преподаватели физического воспитания педучилища. Ко всем праздничным датам силами студентов училища организовывались концерты художественной самодеятельности. Exploring of«Fedorovskoye Gorodishe»

"Everything good that we have" , - said Anatoly Vasilyevich Kashin, - is our honest work. To do it more effective, we need to improve more and more". He always improved himself and required it from every member of the staff. The pedagogical staff always knew all new knowledge in Pedagogical Science. The school never worked alone with its deals. The staff with great pleasure studied the experience of other pedagogical schools teaching and shared its own experience with them to. It was not difficult as many teachers often visited other pedagogical schools, and the director was the Chief man of the Directors of the Pedagogical schools of Gorky Region's Council and …. Of the Chief man of the Directors of the Pedagogical schools of the Russian Federation, the member of the Methodological Council of the Ministry of the Education of the Russian Federation, the member of the Methodological and Scientific Council on the Questions of Psychology and Pedagogical Science of the Ministry of Education of the USSR. He twice was chosen as a delegate of All-Russia teachers' Meetings in 1978 and 1988. He often made speeches on the meetings of the directors of the pedagogical schools of the Russian Federation in Moscow, Leningrad, Perm', Belgorod, Tambov, Kursk on different problems: "About the Programmed Education", "About the system of self-governing", "About the forming of Professional orientation of the future teacher personality", "About the forming of the scientific mind" and others. The goal to improve yourself was brought up to the students too. One of the rules, which was inside the school, was the rule: "Higher education to every graduator". For it there were made close relations with the Arzamas Pedagogical Institute, where our graduators could be the part-time students. The comission on directing of the graduaters to work is working

In 1970-80s the school was several times admitted one of the best ones among the participants of the All-Union competition of the creative works of students on the social and political subjects; for the active participation in the show-competition of the students' life improvement, for the developing of the Sport and Physical Activities, for the organization of the Military and Sport work, for active participant in collecting of things for the Peace Fund, for the active participant in developing of the amateur art activities, for good organization of the teaching of pedagogical and psychological sciences. The first graduation of the pioneer leaders faculty, 1973. The best school's group

The school was twice given the challenge Red Banner of the Ministers' Council of the Russian Federation. In 1978 the school took part in the All-Unite Show of People's Achievements. The school's experience was recommended by the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the spreading among the other pedagogical schools of our republic.

Successful work of the school was greatly depended on the school's administration. First of all, the best adviser of the school's director was the director's assistant of studies I.N.Sapozhnikova, who had been at this position for 18 years (1970-1988). She was the person of great erudition and intelligence, experienced teacher, industrious, very respectable person and a wise adviser - she was the example of conscientious attitude to work for the staff. Thanks to her work there were no any faults in the process of study. Order and stability in school's work were provided with well-planned timetable, different well-planned events. Komissarov V.V.

The skillful organizer of the pedagogical practice was the director's assistant on the questions of industrial work N.I. Ulyanov. Being the school's graduator, experienced teacher and organizer, which had the experience of working at school, Nikolai Ivanovich knew some specialties of working at primary school very well. His advices to the persons undergoing practical training were always deeply professional, concrete and convincing. While his activity the pedagogical practical training was noted by well organization and effectiveness.

Director's assistant on the questions of education V.V.Komissarov could find more vivid, interesting, different and effective ways of educational work with students. Most of all there were used active such active forms as discussions, disputes, conferences, political conversations, excursions, historical and literal evenings. Most of them were striking, memorable, emotional, what provided their deep effect on the students' mind. Makarova Alexandra Nikholayevna

In 1988 Alexandra Nikolayevna Makarova was appointed a new director's assistant on the questions of studies' organizing. Her great experience in working with teachers (she had been working at a District Department of People's Education for many years), wide erudition, tactfulness to the colleagues, qualifies advices to the teachers, rational requirements and accuracy in the organizing of work helped her quickly gain the respect inside the members of the school's staff.

Leader of the Physical education Y.B.Bulygina skillfully provided the material equipping of the lessons of the Physical Training with necessary equipment. She was an untiring organizer of mass sports events, which were very popular among the inhabitants of our town.

In 1980s and in the early 1990s serious changes took place in the pedagogical staff of the school. Gradually there were retired those teachers who were the base of the collective in 1960-70s. among them were P.N.Solovyeva, Z.I.Korobova, I.F.Mironov, O.P. and T.S.Kireyevs, A.F.Gruzdeva, O.A.Starova, A.I.Vasilyev, A.M.Savleva, A.V.Myasnikova, N.F.Valov, I.I.Labutina, V.I.Martyanova, N.V.Martyanov, G.G.Kozlova and T.I.Taranova; there were about 20 people. The staff renewed greatly. New generation of the teachers came to work. It was the third important renewal of the staff.

Ленинские стипендиаты и отличники учебы

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